US first female president

Will US ever have a (first) female president?

Well, experts were convinced that the presidental election of 2016 would give the US their first female president.

Hilary Clinton the Democrats candidate has been the closest to becoming the 45th US president and thus first female.

What makes US politics that different from Asian, and European politics?

I’m not sure, not after the latest US election.

Even the United Kingdom has a female Prime Minister and female monarch, Germany still has a female Chancellor of Germany.

Firstly, the EU has several shared values and principles that each menber state has to follow.

The United Kingdom who has a shared history sith the US might be the closest in terms of some political issues such as protetionism, and migration.

Many people thought and might still hope that Oprah Winfrey will sign up as the Democrats candidate, while others wouldn’t hesitate to place their vote on Mrs. Obama as the Democrats candidate in the 2020 election unless the current predident is re-elected as the US president until 2024.

Second, the US as a nation is actually not that old – not in comparison to most Asian states, or several European countries.

So will 2024 finally be the year that will bring a female president – will the 46th US president finally be a female?

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